Soon, she spotted the spire of a church, and when they rounded the bend she realized they had reached a small town. Gilbert kept walking past shops that were only just opening and toward what appeared to be stables. He paused at large wooden doors. “Stay here.” “Where...
The sun had dipped low in the sky as Megan walked straight to Rick’s truck. She massaged her fingers deep into the small of her back as Rick thanked Mr. Crawford. Rick reached the truck first and opened her door. She hoisted herself up into the cab. “Are you doing...
Like a century old tree, Hank Garrison and his family had deep roots in this community. When he had moved back last year, he’d staked his claim. Megan envied that sense of permanence. However, her trip to Cape Hudson, like all the ones she’d made as a kid, would be...
March 5, 2018 Norfolk, Virginia Megan was the champion of big dreams and had had a lot of them over the years. So far though, her follow through hadn’t kept pace. “One problem at a time, Megan,” she said to herself. She ignored her growing to-do list for...
She rounded the corner in time to see a young girl picking up a utility knife and feeding Dolly a slice of the cheese Lucy had bought earlier today. The girl had a trim, lean frame, and she couldn’t have been more than twelve or thirteen. She wore jeans, a worn...
May 2, 1988 Cape Hudson, Virginia In coastal Virginia on a warm spring day, Mrs. Catherine Buchanan settles tired bones into her cane rocker. She carefully adjusts her green knit dress with gnarled but precise fingers. She is dressed for this occasion, but no amount...